Hello there and welcome to my blog! I am very happy that you are here! In short, this blog is about Healthy Living.
Strict Meal Plans and Exercise Routine? I say NO!
Christmas is coming! How are you going to get through this season without overindulging?
Let me show you how!
Do you snack in the evenings?
You’ve finished dinner and you are watching TV or you are on your computer. Suddenly you get this urge to go to the kitchen and look for something. You look …
Get Real 7 Day Challenge
I am so exited to announce that I am running a FREE 7 day challenge for a new and improved you! 7 days for more energy, to feel awesome about …
What is it I do??
It has come to my attention that people don’t know what I do, so I will try to clarify in this blog post. In short, I am a Health Coach …
Group Coaching this autumn
If you have been following me for a while, then you know how important it is to have support when you are trying to make changes to your life. You …
Are you keeping it a secret?
You want to lose weight. You decide that tomorrow you will start eating healthy and start exercising. You promise yourself that this time you will stick to it. Finally, you …
Are you rushing?
My stepfather used to tell me that I should try to tan slowly throughout the whole summer and not try to tan excessively during one day. He said the rule …